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Equipment Basics

Every new Ham as has asked the following questions:

My personal preference is to operate on the HF bands because I enjoy being able to communicate with Hams no matter where they are, my hometown or on the other side of the world. I also enjoy the challenge of using a CW as well as, and this is an important fact, their signals are very readable during crowded and noisy band conditions. In addition, I can run low power (QRP) and still have exciting conversations (QSOs).

Starting simple is best. Your choice of 'hardware' is extensive, and until you are certain how much you would like to spend, starting simple is best. Many local Ham clubs host flea markets and great deals can be found; everything from electronic components to working radio sets. While it is not a guarantee, it has been my experience that many Hams who sell at these flea markets do so without trying to make a million dollars on each sale. We are a fair bunch and are very willing to help the newcomers with advice, great sales prices. Sometimes, if you have a pickup truck, you can clean out the garage of the many years of acquired goodies for nothing! It has happened to me so it could happen to you too.

Like any hobby, it depends on how involved you want to become. You can spend $200 and be 'On-the-Air' or you could invest $10,000 for just a radio alone and still need an antenna, microphone and other accessories. You can purchase ready-made equipment or, if you are inclined, you can build your own from a kit. Endless opportunities and endless choices!

To get you started, I have included some information on Transceivers, Antennas, and Accessories.

Transceivers Antennas Software